mRNA BS-seq pipeline and NSUN2

We still don't know the function and mechanism behind it

The schema of our optimized workflow.

In breif

  • We optimized the experimental protocol to improve the conversion rates in mRNA BS-seq.
  • We analyzed the pattern of artifacts in BS-seq and located the source of false positives.
  • We introduced Gini-index and signal-nosie ratio into analysis to estimate the status of library conversion.
  • We introduced C-cutoff and gene-specific conversion rates into our filter to remove false positives.
  • We set up a new pipeline with high flexibility, robustness and parallelization level for mRNA BS-seq.
  • We validated that NSUN2 is one of the major m5C methyltransferase acting on mRNA.
  • We profile mRNA landscapes in multiple human/mouse tissues.
  • mRNA m5C might relate to translation control.

Where are the noise?

It’s clear now that the noise in BS-seq come from many places:

  1. The human-introduced Cs in hexamer.
  2. The regions hard to be converted, especially some highly structured rRNA regions.
  3. The false alignments and bases with bad sequencing qualities.


The pipeline I designed have considered most of the situations:

  1. Hexamer can be removed by trimming the bases at the end of reads.
  2. We should use gene-specific conversion rates rather than a global conversion rate measured by spike-ins or the whole libray. Only analyze annotated regions.
  3. Estimate the conversion status by Gini-index and signal-nosie ratio, and determine the C-cutoff that remove reads have more than a certain number of reads.
  4. Optimize the alignment step to reduce false alignments. Normally, that should not be a matter.
  5. SNPs can only destory m5C, but cannot create m5C in BS-seq.
  6. Statistical tests have little effect on our analysis if we use a filter with high coverage and level.

In my hands, I guess we can let the sites with 5% methylation go, but we normally use a 10% cutoff for the biological importance of a site. BS-seq is very sensitive and reliable if you work with it correctly.

left, why gene-specific conversion rates are important; middle, gini-index vs signal rates in badly converted samples and well converted samples. And some examples for true positives and false positives; right, our filters can work perfectly!



  1. NSMB
    Genome-wide identification of mRNA 5-methylcytosine in mammals
    Tao Huang ,  Wanying Chen ,  Jianheng Liu , and 2 more authors
    Nature structural & molecular biology, 2019
