miRNA editing database

In memory of my first database

The miRNA editing database

The miRNA editing database (miREDB) was built with Asp, deployed on Windows Sever.

In this project, I learned a lot about HTML, SQL, Java script, CSS, and most importantly how to consider the project from the view of user , and especially how to prevent the user from destorying your sever. To be honest, the database was a bit slow in processing the inquires, because the codes writen were too heavy, but it indeed can run. No long after our paper published, we were forced to terminate our service as well as the lab home page deployed on the server, for the unlimited requirement of security from the bureaucrats.

The tutorial page and example search results of miREDB.
And the homepage of Zhanglab.



  1. Genome Res.
    The landscape of miRNA editing in animals and its impact on miRNA biogenesis and targeting
    Lishi Li ,  Yulong Song ,  Xinrui Shi , and 7 more authors
    Genome research, 2018
