High throughput modification substrate assay

More oligos, please

The workflow of high-throughput mutation assay: we synthesized the oligos, inserted them into a vector, purify the library, transfect them into the cells, and get reporter methylation levels from sequencing.

This is not a new strategy. In a previous paper studying pseudouridine, they adopt a same strategy to draw the consensus modification substrate of TRUB1. Here, we used pools to analyze the substrate recognition patterns of NSUN2 and NSUN6. A brief summary:

  • NSUN2
    • NSUN2 requires a stable stem loop in the 3’ downstream adjacent to the m5C sites.
    • More Gs in the stem loop will result in higher methylation levels, but G is not so necessary for methylation in some cases.
  • NSUN6
    • NSUN6 is very sensitive to the change in the core motif (Nm5CUCCA).
    • NSUN6 can tolerate some +3 C-to-U changes.
    • The mechanism of preferences in NSUN6-mRNA recognition can be explained by our structure model.



  1. Nat. Commun.
    [accpeted] Developmental mRNA m5C landscape and regulatory innovations of massive m5C modification of maternal mRNAs in animals
    Jianheng Liu ,  Tao Huang ,  Wanying Chen , and 13 more authors


  1. NSR
    Sequence-and structure-selective mRNA m5C methylation by NSUN6 in animals
    Jianheng Liu ,  Tao Huang ,  Yusen Zhang , and 4 more authors
    National Science Review, 2021
